
enokiworld : vintage clothing for modern women
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if you could only pick one designer

1970s Yves Saint Laurent Black Wool Skirt

liberty of london

1970s Cacharel Liberty of London Cotton Lawn Blouse

screw that boring shit

1960s Adolfo Purple Wool Coin Skirt

black and white

1950s Pringle Cashmere Cardigan with Mink

wardrobe in a makeup bag

1970s Giorgio di Sant'Angelo Cowl Bodysuit

dutch design

1980s Koos van den Akker Confetti Sweater

with a very tight tee

1960s Floral Wrap Skirt

johnny ade a record

1960s North Beach Leather Blue Suede Bells

see the forest for the trees

1970s Nik Nik Forest Print Shirt

hostess with the mostest

1960s Anne Fogarty Quilted Hostess Skirt

clearly you do not wear a bra

1960s Courreges Black Sheer Turtleneck

the lauren brand of americana

1970s Ralph Lauren Rose Print Blouse

1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5

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enokiworld : st. louis mo

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