1980s Angelo Tarlazzi Purple Jacquard Suit

spotlight After all those years of minimalism, it sure would be nice to wear something that screamed instead of whispered. A suit that said, "Step off the Frizons, sister, or I'll sue the freaking crap out of you." instead of chanting some peace-loving mantra about a raise and a country house. A tropical leaved hi-tech jacquard of acetate, wool, silk and nylon, with a black shawl collar and waistband, this is Dynasty fare at its best but isn't so "Hollywood" that you can't wear it. From the slightly wild, and wearable, Angelo Tarlazzi. Pair it with a simple Romeo Gigli white wrap blouse and the aforementioned Frizons and chase those freaking 90s away. A european size 40, which translates to a size 6 with a 22" long skirt. This is modern enough to forego the measurements but if you need them, just ask. Both pieces are in excellent, if not flawless, condition. $410.00
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the skirt

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