1960s Filligree Sweater Guard

spotlight Where do you draw the line at add-ons that secure your accessories to your person so you don't lose them? Mitten clips? Phone pouch 'necklaces'? Eyeglass chains? Maybe eyeglass chains are acceptable if you are Eve Arden in "Our Miss Brooks". Nobody thinks you are going to lose your cardigan but back in the middle of last century, women were not expected to fuss with themselves in public. You put yourself right before leaving the house and that was it, save for a lipsrtick check in a hidden corner somewhere. You didn't pull your blouse away from your boobs to straighten the placket. You didn't pull your jeans up by the belt loops. You didn't have your hands in your hair and you didn't keep pulling your sweater together. Enter the sweater guard - jewelry for your clothes. Two 'buttons' of gilded filligree domes connected by a little chain to wear in the top holes of a cardigan that has that - you know, two buttonholes. Betcha didn't think of that? Youre welcome. Each round is about .75" and 1.5" apart. Excellent condition. $40.00
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