1960s Nylon Sherbet Half Slip

our fave color combo You're probably wondering why anyone would wear a slip other than to look 'retro' but they serve a very fucntional purpose. Still. Yeah, there is the whole Mrs. Robinson look but if you have ever stared down the barrel of deadly static cling, you will know that a half slip is critical. And it's a comfort thing - we've touched a lot lof wool in our time and sometimes you want that buffer between you and an unlined skirt, especially if it is fitted. Forget taking the escalator down to the basement of some mall department store to find a half slip - we gotcha covered. Our all-time favorite color combo of tangerine, pink and yellow in nylon crepe with two little decorative ties around each knee. Waist 24" to 26" max and length 24.5". Excellent condition. $35.00
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