1960s Key Lime Nylon Nightgown

do not burn the meringue Adorbs. Just like Mia Farrow with her Vidal Sassoon haircut in Rosemary's Baby. Forget that it got totally bizarre and that even Ruth Gordon could completely creep you out, Farrow epitomized that 60's style that was half Courreges/half Yves Saint Laurent. And you can really tell how our culture favors a certain body type through the decades. No massive implants back then, no muscles. It was all pert and tiny. Girlish. And you had to dress those tiny boobs just right, something low, something with an Empire waist and then whoosh after that. Full. It's still adorbs today. Key lime nylon with an overlay of pale pale green synthetic georgette and skinny self ties to fasten in a bow behind your back. White lace just around the cups, it just pops over the head. Made by Dorsay, this will fit a modern 4 or 6 and is 49" long. Excellent condition. $60.00
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