1980s Issey Miyake Pleated Black "T"

main line issey Absolutely representative of Issey Miyake, his pleated clothing is one of the first things you think of when you see his name. And really, so popular it was that it launched a spinoff label called "Pleats Please" which was launched in 1993. A sinuous element to play against his rustic Japanese linens and wool, a wisp of pleated fabric would find its way into his collections time after time. Body conscious without being vulgar, each pleated garment was pleated after it had been cut and sewn and, like many of his pieces, lays totally flat. A black tee that is Miyake's take on the classic muscle tee, it lays as a pleated rectangle but takes on its on personality on the woman's body. The shoulders stand away from the body in soft peaks and the asymmetrical crease puts a focus on the curve of the waist and hip. Poly and nylon, each of these is heated to hold its shape permanently. Bearing the brushstroke label in grey, black and gold and sized to fit a modern 6 to small-busted 10, it is 21.5" long. Excellent condition. sold
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