1960s Rudi Gernreich Wool Polo Dress

another word for Everyone says Gabrielle Chanel changed the rules but some of those same folks throwing down their hard-earned cash for Chanel would look at you like you just made a sound like a screaming gopher if you said 'Rudi Gernreich'. Yes, Rudi changed the modern rules every bit as much as Coco. Coco stopped at acceptable - Gernreich pushed it way past that so you were inured to shock. Clever strategy. A fire endgine-red wool polo dress with schoolbus yellow vertical pinstripes to wear over are legs with white Chucks or pastel pink leggings and heels. Made for Harmon Knitwear, the bust measures 36", shoulder to shoulder 16", outer sleeve 23.5", hips 36" and length 33". Excellent condition. $480.00
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