1970s Robert Lee Morris Hammered Bronze Neck Cuff

spotlight We love reading Vogue and In Style but we gotta say, for all the work they put into knowing about clothing and designers, they don't know squat about jewelry or artisan metalsmiths. But what's the point in getting readers lusting after one-off pieces?They constantly pump out these generic names of people who aren't all that great and have no clue who artists like Sandra Enterline, Valerie Mitchell, Abrasha, Heidi Nahser or dozens of other genius craftspeople are. If you are going to wear Gernreich or a couture YSL dress from the 60s, why would you want a piece of jewelry that was machine made by the thousands or even worse, some beaded thing that was strung by someone with little talent? Studio jewelry is where it's at and if you want to know about some great galleries, write us and ask - we're happy to turn you on to amazing things. Robert Lee Morris was just such a studio artist before he went commercial. His small Soho galleries called Sculpture to Wear and Artwear were firsts of their kind and his early work is stunning, bold - simple. A hammered bronze cuff choker that twists to fit on the neck, it lays perfectly flat when on and has a gorgeous intentional patina that is a refreshing change from either gold or silver. Signed, it will fit a 15" neck and is in excellent condition. $625.00
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