1980s Cinched Leather Boots

christine strawberry girl Siouxsie. The Damned. Seditionaries. Annabella Lwin and even current Rick Owens all hold a special place in our collective heart. Ann Magnuson in the opening scene of "The Hunger" - all that black, chic gothic, raw glamour of the 80s. That was fresh and the vintage stuff still is. A pair of black boots with silghtly upturned, pointed toes and curved heel with cinched vamps tied with skinny leather strings. The maker is no longer visible but they are made in Italy and the way the lining is constructed says they were not the from a Hot Topic type of place. Gorgeous, edgy, cool. Size IT 40, the heel is 1.5". Stands 13" from floor to top and 12" calves. Excellent condition. $210.00
heel and toe
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