Chanel is one of the most respected luxury brands in the world. And while most women can only grasp at a perfume or nail polish from a sea of insanely expensive offerings, there are those are fortunate enough to choose what they want from a history of gorgeous things. A pink tweed suit from Gabrielle Chanel herself that screams Chanel from its weighty boucle tweed to its flawless construction. Hints of many other colors are woven in, from cherry to caramel, tangerine and white silk for a hint of suprising sheen here and there. A coat with slightly longer skirt peeking out at the hem all lined in bubble gum-pink silk crepe de Chine. Signature braided gold and black buttons to pick up the flecks of navy in the yarn, it is beautifully weighty and supple. Skirt has dual pink zippers, one on each side and deep inverted pleats all around. Coat has patch pockets, self belt and a trio of functional buttons at each wrist. Neither suffers from being separated and worn with other stuff but for a complete Chanel look, the togetherness is spectacular. Bust measures 34", shoulder to shoulder 14", outer sleeve 22" and length 39". Skirt is meant to be worn lower on the waist and is 26" at the waist and 25" long. Excellent condition. $7200.00